My bent is congenital transmission but we also need areas of the blood supply and persistence looked into.
Why would someone like me be fully treated and cured and six weeks after completing treatment be very sick again and not get help? Instead of saying that they don't know what's wrong with me, let's engage and ask questions, and figure out what is wrong with me. If it is a persistent infection let's treat it. Patients need treatment.
Let's just liken it to any other illness. If you go to the doctor with pneumonia and he says your x-ray shows a whiteout on your lungs, he's going to treat you with antibiotics. If you come back a week later and you're not better, he says let's flip over the antibiotic to something else because maybe it's resistant to this one. Doctors are trained to take a critical look at the clinical presentation of their patients, and to treat them accordingly. Unfortunately, these guidelines that are being followed basically cage doctors to not being able to do what they need to do for their patients to help them live productive lives. I would like to see that changed.