Thank you for the question.
That's why, in my opening remarks, I tried to emphasize that one of the challenges of policing in this very unprecedented environment is exactly what that officer you were in contact with described to you. We often don't know whom we're dealing with, and we have little control over the environment within which we're interacting with people. These are very real concerns. That's why the level of anxiety for police personnel through this pandemic has been so heightened.
We try to put protocols in place to mitigate the risk as much as possible, whether that's through the issuing of PPE or changing how we respond to different calls, minimizing the number of times that we might be interacting with the public, where maybe we would normally interact with them in normal circumstances but now we don't, because we want to try to prevent police officers from being exposed. It's a very real issue, and I think the approach we've taken is to try to raise issues when they come up. I think the approach we're taking now is to try to identify some of the concerns we've had to try to look prospectively at how we can address these in the future as this thing continues.
To that end, I've had good lines of communication with Minister Blair and Public Safety Canada officials, who have been responsive to some of the issues that we've raised. However, it is an unprecedented situation, and what that officer describes is what officers are experiencing right across the country.
We're fortunate in Canada that we've had few officers.... We've had officers in almost every jurisdiction test positive, but they haven't been significant numbers. Where we've been more challenged is with officers who have been exposed and then have to self-isolate, and then we have to manage the deployment issues that arise from that. We manage that through—and I alluded to this in my opening remarks—the need for testing and easy access to medical professionals who can give our members good advice. For the most part, in most jurisdictions, we do have access to advice from medical professionals, which we're trying to take advantage of.