Again, definitely listen to your local public health advice, because there are differences in activities across Canada, but everybody appreciates that it's important for mental and physical health for people to get outside. The risk of transmission is lower outside. The key transmission settings are indoors, in more crowded settings and where you can't maintain the two metres.
My message to all Canadians is to go out safely. If you go out safely, you can. It still means maintaining that physical distancing, keeping within your household cluster, observing your handwashing, not touching your face and wearing a mask if you can't keep that two-metre distance in crowded conditions. All of those layers of protection will allow people to get outside and enjoy some of the fresh air.
We've had a good discussion at the special advisory committee where they're looking at the reopening of different businesses, etc., because inside is where the transmission risk is. They will be very cautious about the number of people that can be maintained in an indoor setting while maintaining the public health measures. Going outside is something that should be encouraged, but doing it safely.