Thank you.
I'm just wondering if this would make sense. I'd like to try this on for size. We've already moved our original date to the end of August. Now we're talking about the end of September. I understand that the scope of the information has been broadened.
How about if we do this? For the latter part of the information that's being sought, the scope of the information that's been broadened, we extend the date for that information to be made available with a timeline of September. For the original part of the information that was being sought by the committee, we still abide by the August 31 timeline. We're applying two timelines to the information: the original information that's being sought, and for that to be made available by August 31, and September 7 or 8, I think, for it to be published; and then for this second part, where the scope of the information being sought has been expanded, for that information to be made available by the end of September.
Mr. Chair, can I try this on for size, so we can maybe get the documents in batches?