Thank you for that question. It's an excellent question.
Our current system has a one-size-fits-all approach. You can go to a physician, psychologist or psychiatrist. What we're learning with opening up the buffet of options is that it fits much more with the reality of our society that has people of all kinds of different identities and intersections on gender and race. What we find is that the typical access to care is often blocked by protocols that triage or try to diagnose at the front end and do a lot of heavy assessment, in which case, during a first point of contact, whether it be by phone or in a consultation room, the person doesn't walk away with any care at all because they're busy answering questions.
I have a personal story. My daughter tried twice, when she was a teen and in university, to get access to care. She walked away from the counselling centre saying that all they did was ask her their questions. They never actually asked her what she wanted. Then she went to the private sector, thinking she would get better care. Again, it was the therapist's questions. The therapist thought they knew better and they thought they had to ask everything, turn over every stone and ask every question to find out everything that was wrong with my daughter before they could help.
Physicians don't do that. When I go to my physician, they don't ask me about everything that's wrong with me. They ask me why I am there and what I want, and they make sure that I walk away with something useful.
We've never done that with mental health. We assume that experts know what questions to ask, and this is not appropriate, given that we have people of different gender orientations and different cultural backgrounds. We shouldn't make any assumption about what they need. We should start by asking, “What would be helpful today?” and trust that people in most cases can answer that question better than we could as professionals.
That's what we are doing with stepped care 2.0. That's what we are doing with Wellness Together Canada. We are giving mental health back to the people who are seeking support, rather than keeping it to a secret professional sort of assumptions about what will work for whom.