From the perspective of undertaking an immunization campaign this large and complex, I know that everybody in this room knows that this is unprecedented for us. What isn't unprecedented is the fact that we work really hard with provinces and territories and with public health officials across the country every day on preparedness and on execution.
When it comes to this operation, we have set up a national operations centre that is running the logistics for distribution and is on top of vaccine deliveries 24-7. We have a committee of federal, provincial and territorial officials, and those people are on-the-ground program immunization deliverers who are talking twice a week, if not more, about the things that they are seeing on the ground so that we can, at the federal level, support immunization program delivery.
How do we do that? We do that by, for instance, ensuring that those programs have the types of syringes that they need to immunize Canadians. When Pfizer went to a six-dose vial from a five-dose vial, we provided, at the federal level, the syringes that provinces and territories required to be able to get that sixth dose. We are also working with them every step of the way to look at issues of effectiveness and safety.
That's another important part of the rollout of an immunization campaign. It's not just getting the needle into people's arms, it's also doing surveillance after they've been vaccinated to see what the effect of vaccination is. That involves us using, for instance, vaccine registries that are in provinces and territories and that we have provided additional support to so that we're getting good data, and provinces and territories themselves are able to monitor what's going on in their jurisdictions.
From all of those various pieces of, I'll call them, infrastructure and machinery...both are things that have been in place for a very long time. As Dr. Quach stated, every year we roll out 12 to 15 million influenza shots across the country. Provinces and territories deliver those in clinics, in doctors' offices and in pharmacies, so we're obviously very well prepared for this kind of venture, which is more complex.
We've beefed up everything so that we are able to be much more consistent in our execution and we've practised. We've had proof-of-concept demonstrations with our colleagues at round tables doing tabletop exercises and doing the kinds of things that one would do in terms of challenging each other on the what-ifs. What if this happens? How are we going to handle it? All of these things are part of the preparedness that we undertake with all jurisdictions on a regular basis.