Thank you very much for having me today.
I'm here representing four different organizations. I'm the general manager of Huntington Hills Community Association. I'm president and founder of Minds Over Matter mental health society. I am founder of Open Arms patient advocacy society, and I'm the president of Mothers Against Drunk Driving in Calgary.
The first area I would like to talk about is in the community, and that's with Huntington Hills. We at Huntington Hills are an outlet for many human service areas—we were up until recently. We had a lone parent network, a parent link and a north central resource centre for all of the north of Calgary. In these programs we help families, especially single parents, find the resources they need and to get tools and go through programs to be the best parents they possibly can. For homelessness, homeless and low-income individuals in northwest Calgary, we help them get the resources they need for the basics of life. We also have a school care program here, so we deal with a lot of the little ones in society as well.
Our mental health organization is called Minds over Matter mental health. We deal with seniors, cultural groups, businesses and organizations and children and youth.
I am the president of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, and I have been for the last couple of years. We bring awareness to drinking and driving as well as preventative measures to stop or slow down impaired driving and victim assistance for those individuals who have been affected by drinking and driving as well.
Looking at what COVID has done in the community, here at the community association we deliver food and basics to single moms and seniors. I've had first-hand experience dealing with seniors. The thing I can say first and foremost is that many seniors have talked as I'm delivering their food—because I've done it myself—of the fear of not knowing how they're going to get their next meal and the fear of not knowing how or when they're going to get the resources they need to survive. A lot of these seniors don't have any other family or friends to do it. They're relying on a community association to deliver food.
The second thing is the lack of resources. In dealing with these three human resources that we did, the biggest problem was connecting people with food banks. I had one individual come in, and he was from Africa, just new to the country, and he had no food or diapers for his family. We had to try to find resources for him. Unfortunately, during COVID, those resources weren't even open. He phoned me back and he commented on the fact that he left messages at the numbers we had given him, and nobody got back to him. There was a huge concern, not only about getting individuals these resources but also the accessibility wasn't there. There was a lot of fear in those individuals as well.
Going into the mental health organization dealing with seniors, my specialty is seniors within this organization. In talking to these seniors, I know there is a fear of COVID. They're in the last years of their lives. They've been isolated. The isolation for seniors has been a huge problem as well. Pre-COVID, 6.2 million Canadians suffered from mental illness in this country. The numbers going forward will be staggering as will accessibility, because the biggest problem in mental illness is the lack of accessibility within mental health and mental illness.
In regard to Mothers Against Drunk Driving, you would think, with all the restrictions that government has put in place, that impaired driving would be substantially down. It is a bit down, but it's insignificant. Alcohol consumption and cannabis consumption during COVID is on the rise. We work with the Calgary Police Service, and the concern post-COVID is going to be impaired driving, because people have been sitting in their houses. That's going to be a bigger problem than it was before.
People are still drinking, and people are still driving. The amount of alcohol and cannabis consumption has actually increased. We just had a case last week of a 38-year-old who was drinking and driving and killed somebody. We're very concerned about where this is going.
Looking at the problems in the community, they're vast. We're an organization that knows the resources and understands the system, and we're having trouble accessing the system to get help for people in all the capacities that I mentioned earlier.
COVID has been devastating to this community, the community of Huntington Hills, which is in northwest Calgary. It's been devastating in terms of the mental health and mental illness that we're seeing, and I just don't know where this is going.
We had an economy that was challenged. Then we had COVID, and the accessibility of getting mental health resources for anybody—children, youth, seniors, single parents—is horrific. I feel very badly for individuals who are trying to get that help because it's just not accessible.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.