Canada, as a country and everyone working together, did well to flatten the first wave. What happened was that over the summer, of course, public health measures were relaxed. There was an increased mixing of the population. Then, as the fall and winter seasons approached, we began to see an increase in numbers. A lot of it was in young adults, so a different population from the first wave.
A really key challenge was one of looking at human behaviour. Of course, young adults are going to work. It's not because they were being irresponsible necessarily; they are mixing more. However, there were also some social gatherings, which were driving the cases as reported by colleagues in the provinces and territories. Therefore, a lot of it could not be necessarily managed within a workplace or a long-term care facility. There were actual social gatherings, which included some important cultural events such as weddings, funerals and other things. I think that was what resulted in an acceleration in the younger population, which then spilled over into the higher-risk populations.
Some of the jurisdictions you're seeing, such as Manitoba, hardly had a first wave. I think, in some ways, people didn't quite believe this was perhaps going to happen and fatigue set in, so it was really difficult to get that type of momentum going again.
There are multiple different factors, but the long-drawn-out nature of the pandemic in areas that haven't experienced it is definitely challenging on the ground.