I'm very well connected nationally. I chair a community of practice for health care professionals across the country, so I have a sense of that.
What I was trying to emphasize today is that we're still very much in our infancy around these programs. There are pockets that do it extremely well. When I look at the east coast, in Newfoundland, I see some really great home care options.
I've been working with my colleagues in British Columbia, who are doing some really neat work and expanding the notion of “medical complexities” into “health complexities”. Rather than just looking at the physical health and the mental health, we're trying to be broader in our thinking. Also, Alberta is doing some excellent work.
Everybody's trying to work together to build on what each province is doing, but we don't have an integrated, sustainable model. I think having those supports is really important.
To your point, families shouldn't have to move to these large cities. They can be successfully cared for. Technology and medical innovation are really exceptional. We need to be much more strategic and innovative. This committee has the ability to help us start to do some of those models.