Mr. Skelton and Mr. Harrington, I assume no one is disputing the intent behind the regulations.
Compliance would be beneficial for the industry, not only for financial reasons, as Dr. Powlowski pointed out, but also because it would help it restore its image, particularly in light of a report that identified certain problems.
We could look at the pharmaceutical industry, which is also grappling with adverse drug reactions. We know that this industry is highly regulated. I asked for figures in order to compare these adverse reactions over a 17-year period, but we have not yet received them.
So you're in favour of regulations. You say that you want to be a participant in the process because right now, Treasury Board is the one calling the shots, added to which there has been no study on cost recovery for the industry or any environmental impact assessment.
In short, the government has chosen a financial and administrative approach rather than a reform that would be advantageous to all stakeholders, especially the consumer, who must be protected. It's not just a matter of free choice; it's a matter of consumer protection.
Do you agree?