Thank you so much for the question.
I really wish I had an answer to it as well. I'm hoping that the other study that occurred on health human resources might shed some light on that. In fact, if it was taking a GBA+ approach, that should be picked up in that conversation as well.
From CIHR's perspective, I can tell you what we do in terms of researchers who identify as female, because we've certainly recognized the importance of this in terms of not only the research community but the types of questions that researchers study. There is a link there in terms of what actually gets taught to physicians and, of course, what gets practised.
For a few years now at CIHR, what we have decided to do is to equalize success rates, if you will, in our largest grant program, which is called the project grant program, because we recognized that, despite the fact that there are increasing numbers of female principal investigators who are applying, they were not, for a variety of reasons, achieving the same success rates. Therefore, for a few years now, we have said, for example, that if 40% of the grants come in from female researchers, 40% of the grants we award will also go to female researchers.
That is one step. I know it's not specifically answering your question, but in terms of research contributing to clinical care, we felt that this was important to do based on the levers we have.