Thank you very much.
Before my questions, I want to give a notice of motion. The intent of the motion is to have the minister appear as part of this study. The motion is:
That, as part of its study of the opioid epidemic and toxic drug crisis in Canada, the committee invite the Minister of Mental Health and Addictions and Associate Minister of Health for one hour, and that the meeting take place no later than Monday, February 19, 2024.
I'm presenting that as a notice of motion.
First of all, I wanted to make a couple of comments.
Again, we're hearing a lot of focus on safe supply and on the assumption that safe supply is a concept that doesn't work. We know that there has been diversion of safe supply that certainly has been documented, at least anecdotally, by some of the experts who have written letters. We also know that diversion has always been an issue—for many years—with prescription drugs as well. I just want to make the point that diversion of safe supply does not mean that safe supply does not have an important role in the spectrum of approaches. Where there is diversion, we need to do our best to prevent it.
I did want to point out that the B.C. coroner has said, “We know for a fact that people are not dying (from safer supply), including children. The rates of death amongst those under 19 have not increased at all since safer supply was introduced”. That's within the B.C. context and is a quote from Lisa Lapointe.
I also think it's important to talk about some misconceptions about fentanyl and the issue of tolerance and the thresholds. The thresholds for decriminalization in B.C. were based on expert recommendations. There was a lot of back-and-forth, as we know, over a period of probably about a year, to agree on thresholds. The thresholds are really based on the concept of tolerance to fentanyl. People who are addicted to drugs become tolerant to incredibly high doses very rapidly. That is the rationale for the concept of using thresholds to determine decriminalization.
In Portugal—and Mr. Johns referred to the fact that we had an incredibly educational trip to Portugal together—the concept of personal possession in their decriminalization is 10 days of supply of whatever drug is determined. The threshold is based on a 10-day supply.
We forget in this discourse that criminalizing drug use is not only not working but actually causing harm, because the market is being flooded with ever more dangerous and toxic drugs. Criminalization adds to the stigmatization that prevents people from accessing care.
For my Conservative colleagues, I would ask, why would we or should we keep pursuing policies that are clearly not working?
How much time do I have?