I oppose this recommendation, and I do so on the following basis.
The reason you have polling clerks and DROs appointed by the parties that came first and second is that each of them keeps track of the other. It is a way of keeping the system honest. It works very well. In fact, it works so well that often what happens now is that the widespread abuses that used to occur on a partisan basis in the past have ceased to exist, and the DRO and polling clerk no longer have to be very partisan and in fact are quite collegial with each other.
With revising agents, it is done for the same reason. It would be the easiest thing in the world, if you know your neighbours, to go down the street and neglect to record the people who you think might be partisans of the opposing party and record just your own people. So each would keep the other honest.
So I think the system works. I understand that, to a large degree, this kind of thing may be a thing of the past in many ridings, but at the same time, I hate to tamper with something that has a long history of working well. If anything, our problem is that they don't do enough enumeration.