Members, we have now disconnected. We are no longer in a teleconference. The meeting is still in public.
I would like to announce that the video problems that we were having apparently were originating from the site in Victoria. There were no problems with this room. However, for our next teleconference we will not use that room again, so that should eliminate those problems. We will also move our room. The problems they were having had to do with camera. We will move into Centre Block so that they are not having camera problems and we're not having audio problems. Hopefully that will fix that problem, although frankly I was quite impressed with the technology that we used today, and the savings that we made on behalf of the taxpayers.
Having said that, we have concluded our business for today and would simply like to discuss future business and remind committee members of a few things.
On Tuesday, October 3, we have representatives of the following parties appearing before the committee: the Conservative Party, the Bloc, the New Democratic Party, the Green Party. Unfortunately, the Liberal Party cannot attend. On our behalf, I wonder if I could appeal to our members from the Liberal Party to see if they could have somebody attend, though the notice that we have is that the Liberal Party cannot attend. Any assistance that the members might give us would be helpful.
Thursday, October 5--