That's fine. Thank you very much, Mr. Dewar. I appreciate that very much. We will look at this motion in due time.
Members, I want to just bring to your attention the government's response to our thirteenth report. You all received that. I don't think we need to deal with that today because, again, it was just received, probably yesterday, by most members. I simply want members to look forward to that.
Congratulations, again, on that. There was a lot of work done. It looks like there will be a bill coming forward; however, not all of our amendments were put forward in legislation. There are some we've been asked to consider looking into in far more detail. Perhaps the steering committee of this main committee can consider whether we want to do that at some future time, but I'll leave that to committee members for the next time.
At the next meeting we will be beginning our study of the conflict of interest code. You should have received--if you haven't already, you will today--some of the conflict of interest codes from the different provinces, which the committee had requested. You'll receive that tomorrow. We can't begin that discussion today, nor, perhaps, should we.
Is there any further business?
Yes, Mr. Hill.