It could create some uncertainty, because as has been explained, proposed section 56.2 provides a fairly explicit and elaborate process. It reposes the Chief Electoral Officer to decide if the polling date should change, whereas the clause that would be added to proposed section 56.1 would simply state, as a rule of law and with no discretion left to the Chief Electoral Officer, that the date would change if the election were to fall on a holiday. Of course, a holiday is defined or is even more explicit in the French version as un jour férié, so it is really a statutory holiday that we're talking about.
So placing that in the midst of proposed section 56.1 may create some uncertainty as to when the Chief Electoral Officer would exercise his discretion when it would overlap with this same situation, because the Chief Electoral Officer looks to holidays, but also to days that are not officially statutory holidays but might have other religious or cultural significance, election dates, and so on.