I have not seen proof of this. I've read the report, and apparently there were people who came here to testify from parties and they said that they had instances of this. Whenever I hear this, I tell people to provide me with the particulars of those instances, but they do not. I have received nothing from the parties. So it's very difficult for us to see where this is occurring. There are isolated instances that we identify through checking of the records of people who vote at advance polls and vote again at the regular polls and other similar instances. But they are very low in number, and we investigate those and the commissioner either prosecutes or comes to an understanding. It's called a compliance agreement, where the person recognizes that what they did was wrong, and some of them do it for a number of valid or what we would consider not illegal reasons.
What the committee is addressing is what the committee, as elected representatives, feel is an issue, not what I've brought to its attention.