I certainly agree entirely with you, Mr. Preston. The text perhaps could have been clearer. I would intend to undertake this work immediately after this meeting and ascertain what government ID exists now, what is issued by different governments across the land.
If you look at the federal government, there is no photo ID, to the best of my knowledge, provided by anyone at the federal government level, except perhaps the passport, and maybe citizenship cards. But at the provincial level, I think it would be important to find out, because if it's drivers' licences, as in Ontario, for example, where I am a resident, that's one thing, but not everyone drives a car. What else is available? Well, there's a health card, but does the health card have a photo? My health card in Ontario doesn't, because I'm part of the group that wasn't done when they did that. So this is the type of thing I think you should be aware of as you proceed down that line, so that you know what the impact will be so that we avoid difficult situations at the polls.