I'll carry on where Mr. Owen was on the serial vouching piece. The whole purpose that the whole discussion centred around was the identification of voters. In your talks this morning, you also asked for some more information from us about what identification pieces would be permissible or how to get there.
Mr. Kingsley, I see in other areas you're certainly not shy at coming forward and making decisions on your own and bringing them to this committee. I would suggest that the same would hold true for the identification piece. You have an organization that is countrywide, and you would maybe be better at being able to research what identification is available countrywide. I'd like to suggest that you do that, that you look at what identification is available, and maybe, if you'd like advice from this, as you have asked for on a couple of other cases in your advice from this committee, then send it back to us as to what you've discovered, rather than this committee individually going around the different parts of the country we're from and trying to determine what piece of identification is correct.