Mr. Chairman, I will try to answer very briefly. As far as removing the names of people who have changed addresses from the electoral lists is concerned, once in a while in the last six years, I know that we have taken measures to ensure that when a person registers on the electoral list during an election, that person is asked wether anyone would have lived in their place of residence previously. We annotate the list to indicate that a person has moved. We do not automatically delete the name. If that person shows up at the polling station, we can ask them.
If there was fraud, I would like to know about it. Again, this is the type of situation I want to hear about when we meet with members of Parliament. That way, we can think of ways to solve the problem.
As far as registering on election day is concerned, you said that some people showed up with a magazine. I would like to know how much time it took election officials to realize that the same magazine was being passed around and that only the sticker had changed. That is a clear case of fraud. In that type of situation, I have to know exactly what happened. I will not tolerate that type of thing for even a second. So I would like to know more about that case.
Lastly, as far as access to gated communities and to public places is concerned, the areas you call public spaces are, in fact, not public. You talked about shopping malls. We were asked this question during the election. Candidates would like to campaign in shopping centres.
As for candidates going into the workplace, I frankly have reservations about that because it is very difficult. If I was still the CEO of a hospital and if candidates wanted to campaign at the hospital over lunchtime in the cafeteria, I would have a big problem with that. However, in a place that is accessible to the public, it is not as difficult, even though it might be designated as a private place under the law.
I am referring to shopping centres and so on. Perhaps we could make places like that more accessible to candidates. However, we should not waste any time in addressing the matter of gated communities by amending the act.