Earlier, we were talking about the cards that enable people to get into various places and about the fact that a person can register using an address on a magazine label. Let me give you an example of what happened to a young woman who was voting for the first time. I think that sometimes we stress certain things and not others. I do not know wether a mistake was made in my riding or not, but you will tell me what you think. You may perhaps tell me that this is the law and that it is up to us to find the solution to the problem.
This woman was voting for the first time in my riding. She left Grande-Anse to go to the hospital in Bathurst, because she had learned that her grandfather was dying and did die that very day. There was an Elections Canada polling station in Bathurst, but no one agreed to let her vote there. She had to pay cab fare to go back to Grande-Anse. She was crying during the trip because she wanted to vote for the first time. She had her identity card and her driver's licence. We are not talking about downtown Toronto here; this a place where everyone knows everyone else. No one wanted to do what was required to allow this young woman to vote for the first time.