It's important to realize that the Quebec system is not perfect. Last year, as a result of recommendations I made following the 2003 General Election, a package of measures was passed by the National Assembly in Quebec which substantially amended the Quebec Elections Act, in order to make it easier for people in difficult circumstances to exercise their right to vote.
In that respect, we also took some inspiration from provisions in the Canada Elections Act, and particularly the one that allows an elector to vote at the office of the Returning Officer. That particular option was not available in Quebec. In fact, we are seeking to broaden it to allow any citizen to vote anywhere in Quebec, at the office of any returning officer. Those votes would be counted in the riding where they have their residence. To that end, we have established a proper procedure, including the development of computer systems. We are also planning to allow people who are unable to get around to vote at home.
With respect to the Aboriginal population, we are facing the same problems as we are everywhere else. Last week, I attended a meeting with my fellow Chief Electoral Officers from the other provinces and territories of Canada. As you know, Aboriginal Canadians are not always particularly interested in voting. Consequently, we have to advertise to encourage them to take part in our democratic system, because the problem there is not one of access. We do everything that is required to ensure that they have all the information and everything they need on site to exercise their voting rights.
As for the homeless, they generally do not have an address. That is their situation, by definition. We encourage them to register in places where they generally go to have a meal, get washed or sleep. In fact, shelters for the homeless in Montreal and Quebec City can serve as a residence for the purposes of the Elections Act, so that these individuals are able to exercise their right to vote.
That is basically what we do. Once again, we do not have any more effective or innovative measures in place to accommodate these people. Our system works well. We do not receive complaints from them to the effect that we are not providing them with what they need to exercise their fundamental right to vote.