Part of what we're doing is examining the whole process, especially for polling-day registrants, which you identified you would like more information about. That's where I committed. As part of that, if there is any indication of a problem, we've not found it so far, but we've not terminated our review. We're effectively trying to trace every person who registered on polling day to find where they resided on polling day. That's going on now. If there is any indication of any pattern or anything, obviously I will want to look at how we can prevent this from recurring, but there is no indication so far that this is the case. I've committed to reporting back to you on the findings once they're complete. Obviously, if there is anything there, I will also tell you what we intend to do, or what I would recommend if there is a need for a legal change to the statute--what we would be proposing so that this could be prevented. I do want to emphasize that we have found nothing like that so far.