Okay, I'm just marking that down.
In my remaining very brief period of time--because our chair is very precise about these things--you've made a very generous and I think very appropriate promise to come back to the committee regarding the identification documents that you would consider acceptable for us to look at.
The obvious concern I have is just a practical one. It's not inconceivable that the time period necessary for all this to happen after the bill is passed, between then and when an election occurs, could be somewhat tight. I guess I'm expressing a preference, rather than asking a question. But I think you can see that in order to make this happen, to ensure that it does happen, given the fact that it's a minority government and these things can fall apart quickly, it would be awfully nice if we could try to deal with this--assuming the bill goes through--quickly, rather than slowly. I guess that's also a message to the rest of the committee, because I thought we would extend an invitation to you.
I just wanted to express that sentiment.