Mr. Hepburn raised the issue of some of the concerns students have. Many of them don't have a driver's licence. I looked at the way the legislation is proposed and promised to raise the following question with you.
I remember being a student and having a student card. Virtually all colleges and universities have student cards with photo ID. The impression I have, although I stand to be corrected, is that for the most part they'd be fairly hard to forge and therefore unlikely to be useful as a means of engaging in a fraudulent vote. In other words, they're not bad ID. Universities and colleges are not, strictly speaking, government institutions, but they are created by government, either federal or provincial statute.
Similarly, bus passes or public transit passes are issued by government authorities, and I think they tend to have photos on them. The thought occurred to me that it could, under a certain interpretation of the law, be permissible to have a piece of ID that establishes your name and address and then a second piece of ID that establishes your name and your photo. This would be the bus pass or the student ID. It occurred to me that this combination might serve to allow a person to identify themselves to vote.
When I raised that with him, he said he thought that would largely solve the problem of students who don't have a driver's licence and therefore might have a problem identifying themselves, but neither of us was sure what interpretation you would take of the law and whether you think the law, as it's currently proposed, would permit someone with this particular combination of identification to vote. That's the question.