I'm not familiar with the initiative of former Speaker John Fraser. Is this a verbal or a written request? Did Mr. Fraser send out a memorandum at the time? We are asking Mr. Milliken to do the same thing. Personally, I would like to know exactly what form this initiative took. Perhaps Mr. Godin could tell me that.
In addition, we are supposed to be having a meeting with the people from the Board of Internal Economy next Monday. Unlike my colleague Jay, I am not sure this matter comes under the board's authority. I am not sure that Mr. Milliken will feel very kindly about implementing these initiatives. This is a suggestion from our committee, which manages—and this may be an overstatement—the parliamentary precinct with respect to matters such as security, the buildings, and so on. I think the committee is the appropriate place to deal with the matter. I am not sure it should be referred to the Board of Internal Economy. In any case, if Jay would like to discuss it on Monday, we will see how the Speaker reacts.
I think this is a serious concern and that Ms. Robillard set us straight on it. Sometimes, drivers' jobs are quite lonely. They may talk with the minister they're driving, but only if the minister is not on the telephone or the BlackBerry. I am not sure that ministers and drivers get into any heart-to-heart conversations. I've never been a minister, and I never will be one here. I may be one some day, but that will be in a different place.
I don't want to make any petty comments, but since I park my car in section 400 as well, I can see, both in the case of the new Suburban used by the Prime Minister, which sometimes prevents me with backing up, as is the case of the limousine used by the RCMP guards, that the engines are idling merrily away.
Since the new government says it is green, it should agree with Mr. Godin's suggestion.