This meeting is now in public, colleagues.
At the last meeting, as you will recall, we did have witnesses regarding decorum in the House. Mr. Marleau was there, as was Dawn Black and also Senator Champagne. We had a lengthy discussion on this issue of decorum. We did advise that the draft report would be circulated. That was at the request of the steering committee.
The last time we spoke on this issue, colleagues, was November 21, according to my notes. At that meeting it was understood that this issue had been discussed at length and that the whips would ultimately take it back to their respective caucuses and that we would then put it back on the agenda just as a follow-up. That is exactly what the steering committee has accepted to do today. Hopefully we can deal with this issue once and for all.
I open this up for comment. Perhaps we can go around the table and from the whips get a brief update as to what their respective caucuses had them bring back to us.
Mr. Godin, go ahead, please.