I will now call the meeting to order.
Colleagues, I want to remind you that this meeting is being televised and will be broadcast on CPAC at a later time.
Ladies and gentlemen, members, on Friday, February 9, 2007, pursuant to Standing Order 111.1(1), the nomination of Monsieur Marc Mayrand to the position of Chief Electoral Officer was referred to the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs for consideration and potential ratification by members. We do have 30 days; however, following this meeting, if the committee deems it appropriate, we can in fact report to the House as early as tomorrow.
Monsieur Mayrand, welcome to the committee. Thank you very much for coming, sir. I will open the floor to you at this point for any statement that you might have, and then we will go to the usual round of questioning following your statement.
Mr. Mayrand.