Are there any objections? That report has already been circulated to members.
As well, I would like to advise members that in front of them are two documents. One is a chart of year-over-year changes that all members should have received in both official languages. Please raise your hands if you have not received it; I will make sure you have it.
As well, the 2007-08 estimates, parts I and II, are also in front of you, for members to refer to at this meeting. Members are also probably aware that we're expecting bells to ring. We will wait for those bells. We will proceed with the meeting, and when we hear those bells we will deal with it at that time.
I would like to introduce the Speaker of the House, the Honourable Peter Milliken, and welcome him to the meeting. Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker, for attending this morning. We welcome as well the Clerk of the House, Ms. Audrey O'Brien. We appreciate your presence very much. It's always good to see you here.
I understand, Mr. Milliken, you have a brief opening statement. Then we'll open the usual round of questioning.
Go ahead, Mr. Speaker, please.