I am happy to give you a full answer by sending you more complete information, but I can assure you that, in general, Elections Canada meets the visible minority requirement according to the standards established by the commission and Treasury Board.
I should also mention that we have to comply with the same requirements to report on these matters to central agencies. I would be happy to send you those reports, and any other information you would like to have.
As regards the balance between men and women, I do not have the exact percentages, so I do not want to mislead you. But I think the situation at Elections Canada compares favourably to almost all similar organizations. The same applies to our linguistic profile.
I will send you more precise data on the subject with pleasure, that is to say, I will send you the organization's current demographic profile.
This is actually one of the priorities I identified in my proposals today. We need a human resources plan that is more current and more attuned to the needs of the organization especially for the next five or six years in the light of a likely retirement rate of from 7% to 8%. Clearly, the people most likely to leave are those with most experience, which creates an urgent need to establish development programs for those who are going to be taking over when the time comes.