Thank you.
I have with me, Johanne Gauthier, who is the new general counsel with our office.
I appeared in front of the committee on February 8, 2007. Since then we have been busy, and I can give you a brief update on our activities.
We've engaged Ms. Gauthier, who has a strong management background. She is formerly with the Military Police Complaints Commission and is a former winner of the Public Service Award of Excellence in management. So we have a strong management component with our office now.
This has allowed our long-serving general counsel, Johanne Massicotte, who you may have met, to take advantage of a pre-retirement program.
We are in the process of transforming two key employees who were with us on secondment into indeterminate positions. One has a strong litigation background, having been a former Department of Justice prosecutor, and the other is very knowledgeable in the intricacies of the Canada Elections Act, which is still somewhat of a mystery to me.
We're working with the CEO to reduce the number of unnecessary referrals from Elections Canada. We're going to work on some standards for referrals. You may have noted the huge amount of paperwork that seems to come our way.
We're also working with the CEO with regard to resourcing for our office. If I had my way, I'd have some full-time investigators available to me, with particular skill sets that I think will be necessary for the future, and possibly a forensic accountant.
We have recruited some new contract investigators, and we're aiming for people with experience in financial matters, financial investigations. And we're continuing our update of the investigators' manual.
We have developed a workplan for the office for 2007-08. Ms. Gauthier will be responsible for it. It's quite ambitious and it certainly is comprehensive. It's been discussed with the CEO. We're already acting according to it, and I can make it available to you.
To ensure our readiness for the next election, we've held a training seminar in Ottawa this week for our contract investigators. This was attended by 37 investigators, mostly field investigators. It was a very positive experience, and it gave me a chance to meet many of them for the first time and to address my expectations of them. We're well deployed across the country with capable investigators presently.
The agenda and course materials are also available to you, should you be interested.
As you know, I must act independently in making decisions and maintain the confidentiality of matters under investigation by the office. This reflects my obligation of fairness to anyone dealing with the office and for the privacy interests of individuals.
Please accept that I am constrained in responding to some questions since to do otherwise would have a serious impact on the ability of our office to carry out its responsibilities.