Very good. Okay.
If I could ask another question, I think one of the problems that occurs with ID is that many people who are serving as poll clerks will not have seen some of the pieces of ID that are there, so they actually will have trouble identifying them. As well, if we have a general list, like a library card, you can understand how a Vancouver library card with my name on it really ought not to count for purposes of a vote being cast in a riding in Ontario, to take an example. Perhaps it's an example that won't occur frequently, but you can see the point that there should be some geographically relevant limitations on it, and anything that can be done to (a) narrow these things down to a reasonable level and (b) ensure that void copies of these IDs are available for those who are working for Elections Canada would be enormously helpful in removing voter fraud.
I wanted to ask one other question very specifically about the voter fraud issue. It relates to the estimates. Some ridings, and I think here in particular of the riding of Trinity-Spadina in Toronto, had huge numbers of people who weren't on the voters list who turned up to vote on election day.
There are very high population turnovers in some ridings, of course, some urban ridings in particular. One way to try to deal with this would be to have a more extensive, old-fashioned enumeration, that kind of thing, but these are not inexpensive operations--just thoroughly redoing a list that clearly has completely collapsed in an area like that.
I'm told there were something like 12,000 election day registrations. At that point, essentially, you're saying we're going to let everybody who turns up vote, and we just have to accept that they may or may not act honestly. I think that is an inevitable result of a list that's in that complete a level of collapse.
Is there money available to take care of ridings of that nature to go through and do a really thorough redoing of the list?