I think my comment would be relevant, if I could ask the committee's indulgence.
Michel's quite right, we have dealt with this at a side meeting among the whips. I am certainly sympathetic to the cause. I think all whips were. I am just wondering if, rather than dealing with this and in this milieu....
I'm just suggesting something, Michel, and I wouldn't presume to ask you to withdraw this as a notice of motion, but I'm wondering if the four whips perhaps could go to the Speaker about this before we dealt with it in an effort to change the Standing Orders. I would just observe that the rotation of speakers is something that's agreed to, and I'm wondering if the four of us going and trying to work that out with the Speaker may be a way to deal with this that doesn't demand the changing of the Standing Orders.
If you look at question period, clearly the government gets, what, two or three questions?