In my opinion, members sitting on committees are not sufficiently aware of the importance of their comments. Often, the chairs themselves are not familiar with the Standing Orders. Some kind of information session should be held for all committees to inform members sitting on those committees the serious consequences of disclosing information or providing documents when the committee members agree to sit in camera.
I think that the members are not taking in a lot of the information. Many committee members are new members who are not familiar with the Standing Orders and procedures of the House. It takes some time, even when you sit in the House itself, to learn various Standing Orders, procedures and strategies.
I have sat on a number of committees and I noticed that the members are not familiar with the role and importance of in camera meetings. I also note what happens when witnesses are questioned. Witnesses are not appearing before a committee as if they were in court. Sometimes, members question witnesses as if they were guilty. For those sitting on committees, there is a huge lack of information on the role of members and on the Standing Orders.