May I interject? I think we're moving forward into a discussion here. It wasn't the purpose of the chair giving the floor for the introduction of the motion.
I almost sense a consensus here among the whips. Perhaps Madam O'Brien wants a little time to consider the issue.
It sounds like the whips want to get together and talk to the Speaker, and I think it's the best way to do it. However, the motion's on the floor, and it will stay on our agenda until it's removed because it's been dealt with by a separate meeting or we deal with it at the committee.
But right now I'd like to move on, if I can. I'm going to take one more comment, because Monsieur Godin hasn't had a chance to talk. But my preference is to drop this conversation and see if it can be solved, or put it on the agenda for another time.
Monsieur Godin.