Thank you.
I hope my seven minutes doesn't include the exchange with Ms. Davies.
It seems to me there's a difference between what the Speaker was ruling on and what we're dealing with. As I mentioned before, he has a narrower basis in which to work and therefore a more serious sanction in which items are simply returned and are not even allowed to be put on the notice paper. We have the lesser sanction of taking away votability. The word “sanction” isn't really the best word; it's only what comes to my mind. The “remedy at our disposal” might be a better way of putting it.
The real difference and the reason, as we've been talking and reviewing these things, is that one deals with bills or motions, items as they're described in the order, that are substantial. The other one deals with items that concern questions that are substantially the same. I think you can see the difference. One deals with the subject matter, and the other one deals with the actual bill itself. Clearly, the subject matter is constructed more broadly, and substantial similarity is therefore more likely to occur.
I think it's what's going on here, particularly when you reread what the Speaker said in his ruling. It's about the bill itself as opposed to its subject matter, and it's about the similarity of the bill as opposed to the similarity of the subject matter. I think it's important to mention.
If you don't mind, I have to turn to defend the honour of those of us who were on the subcommittee from what I'm sure were inadvertent comments on Mr. Silva's part.
I can understand his frustration. He said he doesn't know why these meetings have to occur in secret. I actually looked at the Standing Orders after he made mention of this. There is actually no requirement for the meetings to occur in secret. It's one of those things that have always been done that way and may well deserve re-examination. But it's not done out of ill will on the part of any of the people who are involved in it.
I had an item brought, as many have been, before the relevance of committee... This was in the last Parliament, under the current rules. An item of my private member's business was specifically a motion to amend the Constitution. What happened with the motion is that they announced a series of things that could be made votable. On the list, the one thing that wasn't being made votable was my motion. They were bringing it back for further consideration.
So I took the option of going to the committee and actually sitting at the subcommittee meeting. That option was available. At the time, although I was very worried that my motion was about to be found non-votable because of some consideration that the subcommittee thought was important, it wasn't being done out of ill will or it wasn't a conspiracy against me; it was simply the way the committee worked. I actually came and appeared before the subcommittee. I'm not sure if anybody here was present. I think Mr. Robertson was present at the committee at that time. Of course, it all happened in camera, and I can't tell you what occurred.
But the point is that it's an option that was available then and is available now. It meets in camera simply because it always has done so, and it deals with all items in camera. I might add that it dealt with an item brought forward by the leader of the Liberal Party this time around, and it was also found to be non-votable. These things happen.
There are a number of options we have at our disposal. I very much took to heart Mr. Owen's observation in regard to natural justice and the importance of knowing the charges against your piece of legislation. He had a good point.
Because I am worried about losing the frankness that can occur in a discussion in camera, maybe we could consider starting these meetings in camera ,so that we could have a fuller review of what occurred at the in camera subcommittee meeting, and then go public. We can have meetings that go back and forth between in camera and public. We do it all the time. We recently had a meeting of a subcommittee on which a number of members of this committee serve, including Mr. Owen. We started off in camera, and we then discussed going public. We did so in the theory that we ought to be in public as much as possible.
Perhaps we could deal it that way. I suspect we would find at a full committee meeting that there would be no objection to taking what had been discussed in camera and having it made public, because we're not dealing with secret testimony, we're not dealing with people revealing documents that are confidential or that might cause embarrassment and so on, at least not in normal circumstances.
That might allow us to have the kind of fulsome discussion you can have in camera and then move into public session, as one possibility. That would allow, under the other option I'm suggesting, doing part of the full committee's meeting in camera. That would allow the person--in this case Mr. Silva, or whoever else has found their item designated non-votable--a chance to review all these matters. That could be done, if we wanted—maybe we should consider suggesting this—at a separate meeting that gives them time to go back and work on preparing an appropriate defence of their item, looking for the appropriate information precedents and so on that would allow them to move their item in a prepare a proper defence, because presumably that is very much the goal of this process.
I think on the whole the process itself was designed by all parties and I think it was intended to be fair. I've also been around long enough.... I remember in the 38th Parliament I also had an item that was automatically designated non-votable. I had to go before that committee and make an appeal. It really is a substantial improvement, so we're moving in the right direction.
I think there's goodwill on the part of all who are involved in the process. As I say, I'm sure Mr. Silva did not mean to suggest there's anything inappropriate. I think it's important that no one come out of today's meeting with the impression that something inappropriate has occurred.
That's what I wanted to say, Mr. Chairman. Thanks very much.