Thank you.
First of all, let me apologize for not knowing the scope of the other standing orders, because they may clarify what is unclear to me at this point. Even with the changes to each of the motions, it's not clear to me, the way it's worded, whether it means each independent member only once a week may be recognized or that only one independent member per week may be recognized. That's the first question.
Second, I wouldn't want Standing Orders 31.1(2) and 37(1.1)(b) to be interpreted to mean that members of a political party, even though it wasn't officially recognized, would have even fewer rights than an independent to ask questions. I think I heard that the Speaker will work out some formula that's fair.
Does it say that anywhere? I think this is capable of being misconstrued to mean that you have fewer rights as a member of an unrecognized party than you have as an independent. It's really just a matter of interpretation.