The motion you have before you is the motion of Mr. Owen. That was circulated.
The amendment by Mr. Guimond is that the motion be amended by deleting all the words after “until”, and substituting the following therefor:
it has given an opportunity for representatives from Equal Voice, financial institutions, and political parties represented in the House to appear, but that clause-by-clause of Bill C-54 be completed no later than Friday, June 22, and that the Committee agree to meet even if the House has adjourned.
As regards the French, I would amend it by removing all the words after “témoignage”. It would read as follows:
Que le Comité retarde l'étude article par article du projet de loi C-54 jusqu'à ce qu’il ait donné l’occasion de comparaître aux représentants de À voix égales, des institutions financières et des partis politiques à la Chambre, mais que cette étude article par article soit terminée au plus tard le vendredi 22 juin et que le Comité convienne de se réunir même si la Chambre s’ajourne.