The minimum is the main thing you're driving at. Okay.
The obvious thought that occurs on the maximums, just as a practical matter, is that institutions always have the option of saying they're not going to give a loan. That may be a greater imposition on an individual.
The other series of questions I have to our representatives from Equal Voice are all related. I'm very glad that, unlike other witnesses, you submitted a written presentation. It's very helpful. As we try to take notes, we often can't keep up.
You had a series of bullet points here, and I want to ask you a bit about them.
Bullet number three says that contributions for nomination contests should be tax-deductible. It's an interesting thought. As a practical matter, deductibility tends to mean that those who have a higher average income get a greater benefit. Since I imagine you're saying--I'm not sure--that on average women in Canada have lower incomes than men and therefore what advantages those with higher incomes will not necessarily benefit women, I'm wondering whether you wouldn't agree that some kind of refundable tax credit would actually be preferable.