We'll do exactly that, and we'll have that out today.
Colleagues, having said that, then we're going to drift off a little bit. We have a meeting scheduled for Monday, and there have been some requests that we keep the meeting on Monday, and move right into clause-by-clause. If members are willing to do that, then we are prepared to do that. However, I'm going to make a bit of a request. After today's testimony, it makes sense to me that if anyone hears something that would cause them to request an amendment, that we have that amendment to our clerk by five o'clock today.
I'm seeing nods of the head, and we can do that. That would allow us to determine the relevance of the amendment, as well as get them translated, and have them back to everybody for Monday morning's clause-by-clause.
Everybody is happy?
Thank you very much, colleagues.
This morning we'll move right along. I would advise everyone that we have lunch coming, and if we need the time we will continue the meeting, but if we feel that we've wrapped it up we will just enjoy lunch. Our guests today are invited to stay, obviously, and you may actually be sitting in the hot seat answering questions, but please feel free to get up and serve yourselves at that time. We do have this room booked from now until two o'clock, or as close to that as possible, and we will respect question period, of course.
Pursuant to the order of reference of Monday, May 28, the committee will now resume its consideration of Bill C-54, an act to amend the Canada Elections Act on accountability with respect to loans.
I'm going to ask our guests to introduce themselves first. We'll start over here with Mr. Carroll. If you could just introduce yourself, and who you represent, then I will instruct you further.
Mr. Carroll, please.