Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I hope my answer will not be helpful to the many people out there who are hoping that I will leave.
We do in fact have a succession planning program, but we have no document that would show you how these things are going to happen. I know that my predecessor, Mr. Corbett, was very interested in this issue, as am I. After Mr. Marleau left, Mr. Corbett and I saw the torch being passed to a new generation. Now, we no longer expect people to remain in their positions for decades.
I think it is now more urgent than ever before to see to it that steps are taken to ensure that we can choose and train the people around us with a view to their replacing the senior officers of the House some day. Thanks to the work done by Mr. Marleau and Mr. Corbett, the procedure service is in a very good position today. I have come back to my first love: I came from the procedure service and I am therefore very familiar with it.
I think we have made considerable progress in other areas as well. In January, I had the honour to chair what is known as the Clerk's Forum. It was a retreat for all House officers, and the theme was succession planing. As Clerk, one of my objectives is to ensure that each service has a plan in place to identify and train key individuals, and I am making sure that this is being done. As you were saying, in today's context, we should not only be expecting people to retire; they may also resign or decide to take a sabbatical. There are now all sorts of circumstances that may not have existed in Major-General Cloutier's day.
He was more of an icon
than an ordinary public servant. I see every day that we need new energy to train the officials we have and to recruit people who could replace them. There is a whole wave of people who will be reaching retirement age at about the same time. We do not have a plan that we could possibly apply to everyone. There are people who spend their whole career in procedure, while there is a great deal of mobility between Mr. Desroches' service or Mr. Bard's and the public service or the private sector, because the people who work in finance, human resources and technology are in demand everywhere. The options in procedure, however, are rather more limited.
So we share your concerns with respect to the importance of being...