I think all of us would agree with that, given the problems we've had over the past year or two with the ethics commissioner's--I'll put it this way--perception of the code and how he has to administer his duties in relation to the code. He himself, as Mr. Simard suggests, has brought forward some concerns about some of the, for lack of a better term, grey areas, that we can perhaps assist him or any future ethics commissioner in tightening things up.
I'm not opposed to that; I don't think any of the members of the committee are opposed to having a look at that. My only concern would be that this might be something that's going to take a while. While I agree with Mr. Simard—his term was cherry-picking—we don't want to do this piecemeal. We want to make sure that whatever changes all of us can suggest and reach consensus on, we will go forward in a more comprehensive manner.
I'm just a little concerned that we might have a situation in the meantime where information is released about family members that is irrelevant. If it's going to take, I don't know, several months or whatever to do a proper review of the code, if we're all in agreement that the information shouldn't be released, then why wouldn't we just do it?
As well, I would agree with Mr. Simard that we immediately consider a thorough review.