Thank you, Chair. I have a couple of points.
Number one, I want to voice my appreciation to both the NDP and the Bloc Québécois for stating publicly at this committee that they would be willing to bring to this committee their books and discuss all of the election financing practices both of their parties have engaged in over the past number of years. Yet on the other hand, I find it astonishing that they say they won't do that right now, but just after they've had a chance to conduct their witch hunt of the Conservatives.
I'm suggesting, Mr. Chair, that in order to determine whether there have been any abnormalities you really need some standard of comparison. While there are guidelines and procedures under the Elections Act, we have seen from time to time that political parties work—in advertising terms—within what they believe to be the spirit of the Elections Act. You do so in different ways.
As an example, Chair, my understanding is that the Bloc Québécois really don't do much of their own fundraising. In other words, I think that in the last quarter they raised something like $30,000, but all of their individual campaigns are financed out of their central party. In their view, that's perfectly normal and perfectly legal. I'm suggesting, Chair, why don't we take a look at that in this committee?
I've yet to hear the Liberals, of course, say they would like to entertain a discussion of their own financing practices at this committee, but at least the Bloc and the NDP have done so.
So I'm saying, why not? It would not unduly delay the proceedings, because quite frankly, unless you have a standard of comparison, unless you have a frame of reference—that being all political parties—how can you determine whether anything the Conservatives have done in terms of election financing and election advertising is, in the opinion of this committee, untoward? You have to compare it with something. You need a frame of reference, and that's what we're suggesting right now.
Let's get all of the practices of all of the other parties on the table. We'll call witnesses. They can certainly suggest a list of witnesses from our party they'd wish to bring forward. I'm sure we will be able to present a list of witnesses from the Liberals and others that we'd like to bring forward. For example, I'd love to hear the Bloc Québécois explain why what they do is perfectly legal. They probably have a pretty good explanation. I'd like to hear it, because it seems to me they're doing something very similar to what they are alleging is illegal for us to have done.
We need a frame of reference, Chair.
Again, I think the opposition members' denying our having this fulsome discussion of all the practices of all the parties is, quite frankly, contradictory in its terms. They're saying they want openness and transparency and they want to get to the bottom of this; yet on the other hand, they're saying just don't examine our practices.
Mr. Chair, Mr. Poilievre's motion does not detract from the original motion; it enhances it. It allows Canadians out there, if they do have concerns or questions about the spending and advertising practices of individual parties, to.... Now is the time. We're not trying to stonewall the proceedings; we're saying let's move on, let's expand it, and let's get all of the parties' practices on the table. Let's examine them all.
If you choose to vote against this motion, in my view, all you are doing is saying this is confirmation. This is nothing more than a partisan exercise and is not intended to be a sincere effort to examine the practices that all parties have engaged in over the past number of years.
Thank you, Chair.