I see.
I think the committee should be considering, in the study of these allegations, that.... For example, in the riding of Compton--Stanstead, also in the province of Quebec, the Conservative candidate was Mr. Gary Caldwell and his official agent was Mr. Réjean Fauteux. My understanding is that it's their allegation that there were incorrect transactions.
In the riding of Outremont, which is a riding we speak of very often these days, because, as you well know, there's going to be a byelection on Monday, September 17, the former candidate in 2006, a gentleman by the name of Daniel Fournier, and his official agent, a gentleman by the name of Sylvain J. Perron, have also alleged that they were coerced, or that they were obliged--using the term in the French sense, obliger--or forced to participate.
There was a candidate in Richmond--Arthabaska in 2006, also for the Conservative Party of Canada, a fellow by the name of Jean Landry. It seems that Mr. Landry has a multitude of allegations, a multitude of facts, that he wants to bring forth.
There is also the lady, a very honest lady, Mrs. Lise Vallières, who would have been the official agent for the Conservative candidate in 2006 in Richmond--Arthabaska, who could be called as a witness. Her testimony would certainly help us to understand what was happening or what the intent was of all these transactions.
I'm not saying that all of these people should be called as witnesses for our study; I'm suggesting that there are interesting and honest people in this group that we could consider. Should the allegations we hear from these witnesses turn out to be true, then, as you are well aware, Mr. Chair, this is the opposite of what the intent of the electoral law of Canada is all about.
Our understanding of the law is that a national party is allowed to spend, let's call it, a “ceiling” of expenses for a campaign in Canada, and ridings--local ridings, local organizations--are allowed a maximum, another ceiling, of expenses. And you know the calculation. It works according to the number of voters in the riding, and there are additional amounts that can be allowed for extra population, distance, or a large area in a riding to help the candidate cover the extra expenses.
The allegations are that these ridings were forced by the national organization to state that they had used money for local advertising when supposedly, allegedly, the advertising was not for that particular riding.
I find it very amusing. I read a report in the media that the name of my riding, Hull--Aylmer, was used to run an advertising campaign in Quebec City, if I understand it right. I don't know why they would use the name of Hull--Aylmer in Quebec City, but supposedly this was done. And there are other examples like this that we could actually look at.
We could certainly call on officials of the Conservative Party of Canada to come and explain to us why it has been done this way. There have been allegations that.... The leader of the Conservative Party is a very smart individual who controls or knows everything that's going on, whether it be in his party or in his government, and it might be interesting to know what he knew about this process of “ins and outs”, as it's been called.
Mr. Chair, I think you will find it very interesting if we continue in our investigation of these allegations. And by all means, Mr. Chair, if these allegations turn out to be false and if this is a story that has been invented or, as we say in French, montée de toute pièce, well then it will be a different story. We will shut it down in the sense that we will shut down the rumours. It would certainly help Elections Canada to once and for all decide if they're going to pay. I guess they would have to reimburse all of these ridings, because I understand Elections Canada has been holding back on quite a few reimbursements, the 60% of expenses being reimbursed with taxpayers' money, to the ridings for the different election expenses.
I am convinced, Mr. Chair, that there is a multitude of good reasons why the committee should look into these allegations so that we can come up with answers for the Canadian public. And for these different campaigns, should the money be legally due to them, let's make sure that Elections Canada returns the money to them as soon as possible.
Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.