Mr. Angus raised the question of effectively having universal polls voting everywhere on the final Sunday, and he states quite correctly that it is very important to many of us. It's certainly important to me.
One of the things that Mr. Angus will recall from our discussions and from the line of questioning I was pursuing is that I would ask witnesses on a fairly consistent basis whether they thought this would produce a greater turnout. In particular, he may recall that with our final group of witnesses, I asked the question.... One of them had raised the point that you don't get all groups in society using advance polls in equal numbers and to the same numbers that use the polls on election day. This specific witness pointed out that senior citizens, for example, are more likely to use advance polls, and speculated that this may have something to do with the fact that senior citizens are worried about the weather being bad on election day during a wintertime election.
I then asked the question, well, does this suggest that people who have limited mobility might be able to use advance polls in a way that is not possible? I offered some suggestions, and I think these are the kinds of groups that are likely to make use of advance polls that are located at many locations--for example, people who are shut in, who, in order to vote, require somebody to assist them to the poll. Now, that involves a family member coming from wherever they live to that person's address, picking them up, and taking them to the poll, something that is easier to do if the poll is nearby the person's house. It involves people who have limited mobility who can get down to a polling station close to their home, but not one that's farther away.
I pointed out that in urban areas it's frequently the case that polling stations are, in practice, at virtually every location—or close to every location—because you have multiple polling stations in one spot. But in rural areas, advance polls are not centrally located. It's therefore hard to get to the--