That is right.
Moreover, under subsection 16(3) of the Constitution Act, 1982, which deals with the advancement of the equality of status for English and French, the proposed bill will promote the advancement of French in Quebec. It must be recognized that French is somewhat vulnerable in North America. This is the case in Quebec, but it is probably more so in other regions of Canada.
But this bill, if it were to be passed, would give an added impetus to efforts to promote French and the advancement of the status of French and English across Canada.
I will conclude with a reminder to committee members that Statistics Canada released some troubling numbers last week. I am not saying that they were completely discouraging or disastrous. The fact is that the rate is still at 75% for immigrants to Quebec who choose to use French at home, despite the existing provisions.
So some impetus is needed. And the Larose Commission at the beginning of this decade suggested exactly what the Bloc Québécois is proposing with Ms. Picard's bill.