Further to Monsieur Godin's point, I think what Monsieur Godin is referring to is an informal consensus that has existed in the committee. That's different from the rules. We had an agreement, which is sort of unilateral.... It's not a violation of the rules that the opposition parties have decided to unilaterally abrogate it in their deliberations in the steering committee. I don't like it, but it's an abrogation of the rules. By the same token, it is not an abrogation of the rules; on the contrary, it is an adherence to the rules to turn to that motion first presented to you and deal with it immediately.
My recollection--and I'm sure the Hansards of this committee will bear this out, certainly an adherence to the rules would bear it out--is that when motions were presented to you, you actually sought the approval of the mover of the motion to put them further down while other items were dealt with. Upon receiving that consent, we then put them further down the list. But you did not simply dictate that this be further down the list.
If you had done that in the past--and perhaps Monsieur Godin's recollection of these things is better than mine--then I would respectfully submit that in so doing, you yourself would have been in violation of the rules on those occasions. I'm not asserting that you did this; I'm just saying that if you had done that, you would have been in violation of the rules.
On a final note, I just want to point out that when it comes to motions people want very much to get dealt with earlier on the list, I had one myself dealing with personal documents of my own that had been--well, we all know the story--taken from the opposition leader's office and looked at in detail by Liberal researchers. I felt my privileges were violated and I wanted a motion that dealt with that, and I wanted it dealt with immediately. I remember you wanted to move it down the list, but you did have to seek my consent to move that motion down, and it still awaits, largely because we spent all our time dealing with Madam Redman's motion, and it isn't being dealt with.
The point I'm getting at is that the decision to take a motion and push it further down requires the consent of the mover of that motion, and it's not, as Monsieur Godin suggests, something that happens automatically, whether the mover of the motion wants it or not.
Thank you.