The reason we need access to the books of the opposition parties is to further demonstrate that we have done nothing wrong. If we need an opportunity to fully defend ourselves, members opposite are denying it.
Chair, I think if we're talking about fairness and certainly transparency, we have to agree as a committee that all books can be brought forward. I don't know if the opposition would ever admit to this, but I will, for the record, state again that if they absolutely believe that the Conservative Party broke the election financing and expense laws, if they absolutely believe that, and if they absolutely believe they did nothing wrong, they should welcome this motion. We've heard no arguments that would contradict that statement--none.
Chair, there's only one thing that anyone can conclude by this, because if they had nothing to hide, then clearly they would say, “Here are our books, open them up, let's go”, but they don't. I think Canadians are starting to understand why. They're certainly hiding something, Chair, or at least--