Colleagues, then this round of points of order, based on Madam Jennings' original, is finished. It's done. Hang on. You may have another point of order and perhaps maybe even the same point, but technically Madam Jennings is satisfied and we're right back to the same thing. I will not have points of order on something that we've already decided on and have already moved forward on.
So where we are right now is exactly where we were 15 minutes ago, give or take a couple of minutes, where Monsieur Lemieux has a perfectly legal motion on the floor, and he's the first speaker. Madam Redman is next, and so on and so forth. If there are other points of order I'm happy to hear them, but it sounds to me as if we've gone full circle and we're back to where we should have been in the first point.
I'm getting some negatives from Mr. Godin, so I will hear Mr. Godin, please.