Thank you.
With regard to identification of election advertising, all election advertising that....
I'm sorry, I was just interrupted there, and I know that Monsieur Godin will want me to be clear on this.
I'm quoting again from the March 2007 version of the Handbook for Candidates, their official agents and auditors:
All election advertising that promotes or opposes a candidate, including taking a position on an issue with which a registered party or candidate is associated, must indicate who authorized it (e.g. if promoting or opposing a candidate in his or her own electoral district, it must be authorized by the official agent of the candidate).
There again, “party” has changed, although, oddly enough, “an issue with which a registered party or candidate is associated” is permitted.
So I guess this interpretation says something like...and I do have to guess here. It's no longer a straightforward interpretation. It's now somewhat baroque, or maybe even rococo.